Welcome to my blog, through which I will be providing my thoughts regarding investing, big data, and my new venture: SectorSurferUniversity. These blogs will be both educational and productive for persons interested in investing in mutual funds, or more preferably ETFs. Having worked in the investment and trading worlds for over 40 years, I can be quite helpful to investors. My long and unique perspective on investing in the world economy.
Now serving as program chair and director of the Los Angeles AAII chapter, I am constantly updated on developments for analysis and review. In this regard I have been very impressed by the current use of big data to analyze and project momentum trends. These uses are encompassed in my work at SectorSurferUniversity.
My educational efforts primarily concern a product priced for individual investors that can perform this function - using big data to assist in their investment efforts. The product, as I noted above, is SectorSurfer, and I serve as Principal at SectorSurferUniversity. While I am not exclusively involved with SSU, I believe investors will be greatly rewarded by their introduction to SectorSurferUniversity.
Please browse to http://sectorsurferadvisor.com/InfoRequestForm.html to request more information about this great tool.